Saturday, February 7, 2015 -
Article by:
Steven Ceceri - First Home Bank -
I'm sure you've all dealt with many individuals who seem to want to have phone conversations rather than reply to your email with an email of their own. In some cases, it is just due to the fact that the person you are communicating with finds it easier to talk things over by phone and that is certainly fine, but you need to figure out when the phone calls are a means to avoid putting things in writing as that is critical to realize moving forward, both in business and in your personal life!
As you should quickly figure out, when the topic of conversations gets a little uncomfortable, if the emails that were flying back and forth suddenly slow down or turn to phone conversations, you should be on "alert"! Again, not everything is always in place to for a negative reason, but if the phone conversation you have can't be put in writing as a follow up confirmation of the phone call, then that may also be something to take note of. Lastly, if your email requests for certain responses go unanswered or "skipped" while other issues are being addressed along the way, you need to really think about why that topic is not being replied to.
The summary of my quick message is to figure out as quickly as possible you who are dealing with and who can be someone that you consider trustworthy and in your life for a specific reason. I've dealt with and presently dealing with those who "dance around certain subjects" and am doing my best to determine the reasons for the dance and if I want to "waste my time" having my questions side stepped. When something can be put in writing, it should be a strong sign that there is nothing to hide, but certainly this is not always the case as there will be always that person or persons you come across who just don't care about anything other than themselves and what is in their best interest, regardless of what is discussed verbally or in writing!
As I've said before with all Relationships...move forward with Trust, but also verify those Relationships as well!
Have a very productive and prosperous day today and all days moving forward!
Steven Ceceri
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